以下の 2 つの例は、Quill で何ができるかを示しています。彼らがどのように相互作用するかをチェックしてください!
var basicEditor = new Quill('#basic-editor');
basicEditor.addModule('toolbar', {
container: '#basic-toolbar'
Quill のすべての機能を使用します。モジュールとテーマ。
// Initialize editor with custom theme and modules
var fullEditor = new Quill('#full-editor', {
modules: {
'authorship': { authorId: 'galadriel', enabled: true },
'multi-cursor': true,
'toolbar': { container: '#full-toolbar' },
'link-tooltip': true
theme: 'snow'
// Add basic editor's author
var authorship = fullEditor.getModule('authorship');
authorship.addAuthor('gandalf', 'rgba(255,153,51,0.4)');
// Add a cursor to represent basic editor's cursor
var cursorManager = fullEditor.getModule('multi-cursor');
cursorManager.setCursor('gandalf', fullEditor.getLength()-1, 'Gandalf', 'rgba(255,153,51,0.9)');
// Sync basic editor's cursor location
basicEditor.on('selection-change', function(range) {
if (range) {
cursorManager.moveCursor('gandalf', range.end);
// Update basic editor's content with ours
fullEditor.on('text-change', function(delta, source) {
if (source === 'user') {
// basicEditor needs authorship module to accept changes from fullEditor's authorship module
basicEditor.addModule('authorship', {
authorId: 'gandalf',
color: 'rgba(255,153,51,0.4)'
// Update our content with basic editor's
basicEditor.on('text-change', function(delta, source) {
if (source === 'user') {